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Monday, August 22, 2011

Building A List

It is common knowledge that in Internet Marketing (IM) the money is in the list.  That being the case, it is imperative that you immediately begin building a list by offering something for free, such as an ebook or....what ever.  That is called an "ethical bribe" which is given in exchange for an email address.

Once you have a list, you can begin to send various offers to them and over time, you will begin to earn sizable commissions.  This is the ideal way to promote Clickbank products.  Without a list, you are left with  basically two options:  placing banner ads on your websites in hopes someone will click on them or beginning an adwords campaign (paid ads) from either Google or some other source.  (There are other ways to promote but these are the most prevalent.

So, what if you could capture email lists more efficiently?  Now there is a way: Premium List Magnet.  You can check it out here

What ever you end up doing, if you truly want to earn money on the internet, you need to begin collecting email accounts.

Good luck and thanks for reading.


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